As part of a fundraiser for the United Way Dupont Ob/Gyn sponsored the creation of one of the Mastodons seen decorating the Fort Wayne landscape. The IPFW mascot --the Mastodon-- took on a total of 102 exciting disguises as local businesses and individuals participated by sponsoring the event. "Dona in the Box" created by artist Larry Davis, transforms the classic jack-in-the-box into mammoth proportions. Featuring the Fort Wayne city-scape in the background, Dona, the party-clad mastodon, is shown propelling from the enormous box. When the Fort Wayne community was invited to "meet the herd", 1,600 ballots were cast and "Dona in the Box" was granted 3rd place in the People's Choice Awards. You can next spot the brightly colored Doctor Rosemary Leitch Ob/Gyn Mastodon in the Three Rivers Parade on July 9th, 2005.
Three Rivers Festival Parade - Top 10 People's Choice Award Winners showcased in IPFW's parade entry